Create A Testimonials Section Using HTML CSS And JavaScript

Create A Testimonials Section Using HTML CSS And JavaScript

Create A Testimonials Section Using HTML CSS And JavaScript

If you want to learn how to create a Testimonials Section using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Then you are in the right place. This Testimonials Section is fully responsive and super easy to create. Please watch this complete article to make this awesome testimonial section.

Learn How To Create A Testimonials Section Using HTML CSS And JavaScript


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    <section id="testimonials">
        <div class="testimonials-container">
            <div class="testimonials-heading-main">
                <h4>Our Leadership</h4>
            <div class="t-heading-slider">
                <h5>Board Of Directors</h5>
            <div class="testimonials-slider">

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                <div class="t-slider-box">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-img">
                        <img alt="Board Of Director" src="images/1.webp">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-text">
                        <h6 >Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass</h6>
                        <strong>Board Member</strong>
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-container">
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-flow">
                            <span>Elected to the Board in 2014</span>
                            <p><b>Career and experience:</b> Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass is an executive board member of iMass Investments LLC, an investment holding company that specializes in investment banking advisory, direct investments, artificial intelligence and financial technology.  Mr Al-Mass is also an executive board member of iTech Engineering Consultancy, which specializes in Building Information Modeling solutions and a Board Member of Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), Advanced Cure Diagnostic Centers and MHDH.</p>
                            <p><b>Qualifications and recognition:</b> Mr. Al Mass holds a bachelor&#8217;s degree in management from Marylhurst University, United States.</p>

                <div class="swiper-slide">
                <div class="t-slider-box">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-img">
                        <img alt="Board Of Director" src="images/2.jpg">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-text">
                        <h6>Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass</h6>
                        <strong>Board Member</strong>
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-container">
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-flow">
                            <span>Elected to the Board in 2014</span>
                            <p><b>Career and experience:</b> Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass is an executive board member of iMass Investments LLC, an investment holding company that specializes in investment banking advisory, direct investments, artificial intelligence and financial technology.  Mr Al-Mass is also an executive board member of iTech Engineering Consultancy, which specializes in Building Information Modeling solutions and a Board Member of Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), Advanced Cure Diagnostic Centers and MHDH.</p>
                            <p><b>Qualifications and recognition:</b> Mr. Al Mass holds a bachelor&#8217;s degree in management from Marylhurst University, United States.</p>

                <div class="swiper-slide">
                <div class="t-slider-box">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-img">
                        <img alt="Board Of Director" src="images/3.jpg">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-text">
                        <h6>Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass</h6>
                        <strong>Board Member</strong>
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-container">
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-flow">
                            <span>Elected to the Board in 2014</span>
                            <p><b>Career and experience:</b> Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass is an executive board member of iMass Investments LLC, an investment holding company that specializes in investment banking advisory, direct investments, artificial intelligence and financial technology.  Mr Al-Mass is also an executive board member of iTech Engineering Consultancy, which specializes in Building Information Modeling solutions and a Board Member of Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), Advanced Cure Diagnostic Centers and MHDH.</p>
                            <p><b>Qualifications and recognition:</b> Mr. Al Mass holds a bachelor&#8217;s degree in management from Marylhurst University, United States.</p>

                <div class="swiper-slide">
                <div class="t-slider-box">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-img">
                        <img alt="Board Of Director" src="images/4.jpg">
                    <div class="t-slider-box-text">
                        <h6>Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass</h6>
                        <strong>Board Member</strong>
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-container">
                        <div class="t-slider-box-text-flow">
                            <span>Elected to the Board in 2014</span>
                            <p><b>Career and experience:</b> Khaled Abdulla Al-Mass is an executive board member of iMass Investments LLC, an investment holding company that specializes in investment banking advisory, direct investments, artificial intelligence and financial technology.  Mr Al-Mass is also an executive board member of iTech Engineering Consultancy, which specializes in Building Information Modeling solutions and a Board Member of Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), Advanced Cure Diagnostic Centers and MHDH.</p>
                            <p><b>Qualifications and recognition:</b> Mr. Al Mass holds a bachelor&#8217;s degree in management from Marylhurst University, United States.</p>

            <div class="slider-btns">
                <div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>
                <div class="swiper-button-next"></div>


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CSS Code
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